#0 require_once() called at [/home/westcoas/public_html/libraries/src/Document/ErrorDocument.php:204] #1 Joomla\CMS\Document\ErrorDocument->_loadTemplate(/home/westcoas/public_html/templates/gantry, error.php) called at [/home/westcoas/public_html/libraries/src/Document/ErrorDocument.php:175] #2 Joomla\CMS\Document\ErrorDocument->render(, Array ([template] => gantry,[directory] => /home/westcoas/public_html/templates,[debug] => 0)) called at [/home/westcoas/public_html/libraries/src/Exception/ExceptionHandler.php:113] #3 Joomla\CMS\Exception\ExceptionHandler::render(Error Object ([ * message] => Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Document\OpensearchDocument::addHeadLink(),[ Error string] => ,[ * code] => 0,[ * file] => /home/westcoas/public_html/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/system/modification/system/library/document.php,[ * line] => 38,[ Error trace] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/westcoas/public_html/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/system/modification/catalog/controller/product/product.php,[line] => 252,[function] => addLink,[class] => Document,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => https://www.west-coast-beauty.com/brands/product/1130-reuzel-daily-conditioner.html,[1] => canonical)),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/westcoas/public_html/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/system/modification/system/engine/action.php,[line] => 65,[function] => index,[class] => ControllerProductProduct,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ())),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/westcoas/public_html/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/system/modification/system/engine/front.php,[line] => 34,[function] => execute,[class] => Action,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => Registry Object ([ Registry data] => Array ([load] => Loader Object ([ Loader registry] => Registry Object ( *RECURSION*),[config] => Config Object ([ Config data] => Array ([config_store_id] => 0,[shipping_sort_order] => 3,[sub_total_sort_order] => 1,[sub_total_status] => 1,[tax_status] => 1,[total_sort_order] => 9,[total_status] => 1,[tax_sort_order] => 5,[shipping_status] => 1,[shipping_estimator] => 1,[coupon_sort_order] => 4,[coupon_status] => 1,[credit_sort_order] => 7,[credit_status] => 1,[reward_sort_order] => 2,[reward_status] => 1,[voucher_sort_order] => 8,[voucher_status] => 1,[category_status] => 1,[account_status] => 1,[affiliate_status] => 1,[improvedoptions_settings] => Array ([sku_for_options] => 1,[model_for_options] => 1,[reward_for_options] => 0,[auto_selection] => 3),[filter_status] => 1,[cpt_installed] => 1,[cpt_status] => 1,[cpt_installed_version] => 2.1.4,[cpt_use_admin_language_value] => 1,[cpt_show_always] => 0,[flat_sort_order] => 1,[flat_status] => 1,[onaccount_order_status_id] => 2,[onaccount_geo_zone_id] => 0,[onaccount_status] => 1,[onaccount_order] => ,[onaccount_customer_group_id] => ,[cod_total] => 0.01,[cod_order_status_id] => 1,[cod_geo_zone_id] => 0,[cod_status] => 0,[cod_sort_order] => 5,[config_mijoshop] => Array ([pid] => c3VwcG9ydEBibHVlb2NlYW55eWMuY29t,[enable_vqmod_cache] => 1,[fix_ie_cache] => 0,[show_header] => 0,[show_footer] => 0,[show_cats_menu] => 0,[mijoshop_display] => 1,[currency] => 1,[show_contact] => 0,[button_class] => ,[firewall_lfi] => get,[firewall_rfi] => get,[firewall_sql] => get,[firewall_xss] => post,[trigger_content_plg] => 1,[check_j_block_status] => 0,[comments] => 0,[mijosef_integration] => 0,[account_sync_done] => 1,[alias_sync_done] => 1,[wizard] => 1),[cpt_remove_sql_changes] => 0,[cpt_use_default_for_new] => 0,[flat_geo_zone_id] => 0,[flat_tax_class_id] => 12,[free_date_end] => 2024-12-02 23:59,[free_sort_order] => ,[config_error_filename] => error.log,[config_google_analytics] => ,[config_error_log] => 0,[config_compression] => 0,[config_maintenance] => 0,[config_password] => 1,[config_encryption] => 87431d38e7edce36d5153707d4cd2bf9,[config_mail_alert] => annied@west-coast-beauty.com,support@appsmith.ca ,[config_mail_register] => annied@west-coast-beauty.com,info@west-coast-beauty.com,support@appsmith.ca ,[config_mail_address] => annied@west-coast-beauty.com,info@west-coast-beauty.com,support@appsmith.ca ,[config_agreement_address] => terms@west-coast-beauty.com,[config_fraud_detection] => 0,[config_fraud_key] => ,[config_fraud_score] => ,[config_fraud_status_id] => 7,[config_secure] => 0,[config_shared] => 0,[config_robots] => abot dbot ebot hbot kbot lbot mbot nbot obot pbot rbot sbot tbot vbot ybot zbot bot. bot/ _bot .bot /bot -bot :bot (bot crawl slurp spider seek accoona acoon adressendeutschland ah-ha.com ahoy altavista ananzi anthill appie arachnophilia arale araneo aranha architext aretha arks asterias atlocal atn atomz augurfind backrub bannana_bot baypup bdfetch big brother biglotron bjaaland blackwidow blaiz blog blo. bloodhound boitho booch bradley butterfly calif cassandra ccubee cfetch charlotte churl cienciaficcion cmc collective comagent combine computingsite csci curl cusco daumoa deepindex delorie depspid deweb die blinde kuh digger ditto dmoz docomo download express dtaagent dwcp ebiness ebingbong e-collector ejupiter emacs-w3 search engine esther evliya celebi ezresult falcon felix ide ferret fetchrover fido findlinks fireball fish search fouineur funnelweb gazz gcreep genieknows getterroboplus geturl glx goforit golem grabber grapnel gralon griffon gromit grub gulliver hamahakki harvest havindex helix heritrix hku www octopus homerweb htdig html index html_analyzer htmlgobble hubater hyper-decontextualizer ia_archiver ibm_planetwide ichiro iconsurf iltrovatore image.kapsi.net imagelock incywincy indexer infobee informant ingrid inktomisearch.com inspector web intelliagent internet shinchakubin ip3000 iron33 israeli-search ivia jack jakarta javabee jetbot jumpstation katipo kdd-explorer kilroy knowledge kototoi kretrieve labelgrabber lachesis larbin legs libwww linkalarm link validator linkscan lockon lwp lycos magpie mantraagent mapoftheinternet marvin/ mattie mediafox mediapartners mercator merzscope microsoft url control minirank miva mj12 mnogosearch moget monster moose motor multitext muncher muscatferret mwd.search myweb najdi nameprotect nationaldirectory nazilla ncsa beta nec-meshexplorer nederland.zoek netcarta webmap engine netmechanic netresearchserver netscoop newscan-online nhse nokia6682/ nomad noyona nutch nzexplorer objectssearch occam omni open text openfind openintelligencedata orb search osis-project pack rat pageboy pagebull page_verifier panscient parasite partnersite patric pear. pegasus peregrinator pgp key agent phantom phpdig picosearch piltdownman pimptrain pinpoint pioneer piranha plumtreewebaccessor pogodak poirot pompos poppelsdorf poppi popular iconoclast psycheclone publisher python rambler raven search roach road runner roadhouse robbie robofox robozilla rules salty sbider scooter scoutjet scrubby search. searchprocess semanticdiscovery senrigan sg-scout shai'hulud shark shopwiki sidewinder sift silk simmany site searcher site valet sitetech-rover skymob.com sleek smartwit sna- snappy snooper sohu speedfind sphere sphider spinner spyder steeler/ suke suntek supersnooper surfnomore sven sygol szukacz tach black widow tarantula templeton /teoma t-h-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-o-n-e theophrastus titan titin tkwww toutatis t-rex tutorgig twiceler twisted ucsd udmsearch url check updated vagabondo valkyrie verticrawl victoria vision-search volcano voyager/ voyager-hc w3c_validator w3m2 w3mir walker wallpaper wanderer wauuu wavefire web core web hopper web wombat webbandit webcatcher webcopy webfoot weblayers weblinker weblog monitor webmirror webmonkey webquest webreaper websitepulse websnarf webstolperer webvac webwalk webwatch webwombat webzinger whizbang whowhere wild ferret worldlight wwwc wwwster xenu xget xift xirq yandex yanga yeti yodao zao zippp zyborg,[config_file_max_size] => 300000,[config_file_ext_allowed] => txt png jpe jpeg jpg gif bmp ico tiff tif svg svgz zip rar msi cab mp3 qt mov pdf psd ai eps ps doc rtf xls ppt odt ods mobi epub,[config_file_mime_allowed] => text/plain image/png image/jpeg image/gif image/bmp image/vnd.microsoft.icon image/tiff image/svg+xml application/zip application/x-rar-compressed application/x-msdownload application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed audio/mpeg video/quicktime application/pdf image/vnd.adobe.photoshop application/postscript application/msword application/rtf application/vnd.ms-excel application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet application/x-mobipocket-ebook application/epub+zip application/octet-stream,[free_checkout_order_status_id] => 2,[free_checkout_status] => 1,[free_checkout_sort_order] => 1,[moneris_status] => 1,[moneris_storeid] => monca90526,[moneris_api_token] => N9pyPaknifw99p7LE3Jg,[moneris_cvv2] => 1,[moneris_avs] => 1,[moneris_purchase] => 1,[moneris_order_token] => ,[moneris_cards] => Array ([0] => VISA,[1] => MASTERCARD),[moneris_order_status_id] => 2,[moneris_geo_zone_id] => 0,[moneris_sort_order] => ,[flat_cost_north] => 32.95,[flat_cost] => 15.95,[config_mail] => Array ([protocol] => mail,[parameter] => ,[smtp_hostname] => ,[smtp_username] => admin,[smtp_password] => !Bluedoor,[smtp_port] => ,[smtp_timeout] => ),[config_image_location_height] => 50,[config_image_location_width] => 268,[config_image_cart_height] => 50,[config_image_cart_width] => 50,[config_image_wishlist_height] => 50,[config_image_wishlist_width] => 50,[config_image_compare_height] => 50,[config_image_compare_width] => 50,[config_image_related_height] => 150,[config_image_related_width] => 150,[config_image_additional_height] => 50,[config_image_additional_width] => 50,[config_image_product_height] => 150,[config_image_product_width] => 150,[config_image_popup_height] => 650,[free_date_start] => 2024-12-02 00:00,[config_image_popup_width] => 650,[config_image_thumb_height] => 500,[config_image_category_width] => 150,[config_image_category_height] => 150,[config_image_thumb_width] => 500,[config_logo] => catalog/west-coast-beauty-logo-680w.png,[config_return_status_id] => 2,[config_return_id] => 0,[config_affiliate_mail] => 0,[config_affiliate_id] => 4,[config_affiliate_commission] => 5,[config_stock_display] => 0,[config_stock_warning] => 1,[config_stock_checkout] => 0,[config_affiliate_approval] => 1,[config_affiliate_auto] => 0,[config_complete_status] => Array ([0] => 5),[config_order_mail] => 1,[config_processing_status] => Array ([0] => 2),[config_order_status_id] => 1,[config_checkout_id] => 0,[free_status] => 0,[config_checkout_guest] => 0,[config_api_id] => 1,[config_cart_weight] => 0,[free_geo_zone_id] => 0,[free_total] => 100,[config_invoice_prefix] => INV-00000,[pickup_sort_order] => 0,[pickup_status] => 1,[pickup_geo_zone_id] => 0,[config_account_mail] => 1,[config_account_id] => 3,[config_login_attempts] => 20,[config_customer_price] => 1,[config_customer_group_display] => Array ([0] => 1),[config_customer_group_id] => 1,[config_tax_default] => shipping,[config_tax_customer] => shipping,[config_customer_online] => 0,[config_tax] => 0,[config_limit_admin] => 100,[config_review_status] => 1,[config_review_guest] => 0,[config_review_mail] => 1,[config_voucher_min] => 50,[config_voucher_max] => 1000,[config_product_description_length] => 400,[config_product_limit] => 21,[config_product_count] => 0,[config_weight_class_id] => 1,[config_length_class_id] => 1,[config_currency_auto] => 0,[config_currency] => CAD,[config_language] => en,[config_zone_id] => 603,[config_country_id] => 38,[config_layout_id] => 4,[config_template] => wcb,[config_fax] => 604.327.4441,[config_image] => ,[config_open] => Monday – Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am-3:00pm,[config_comment] => ,[config_meta_title] => West Coast Beauty,[config_meta_description] => My Store,[config_meta_keyword] => ,[config_telephone] => 1.800.661.2707,[config_email] => info@west-coast-beauty.com,[config_geocode] => ,[config_address] => 108 – 6741 Cariboo Road Burnaby, BC V3N 4A3,[config_owner] => West Coast Beauty,[config_name] => West Coast Beauty,[config_error_display] => 0,[config_url] => https://www.west-coast-beauty.com/,[config_ssl] => https://www.west-coast-beauty.com/,[config_language_id] => 1)),[db] => DB Object ([ DB driver] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ([name] => mysqli,[serverType] => mysql,[ * connection] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[ * nameQuote] => `,[ * nullDate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[ JDatabaseDriver _database] => westcoas_j3db,[ * count] => 46,[ * cursor] => ,[ * debug] => ,[ * limit] => 0,[ * log] => Array (),[ * timings] => Array (),[ * callStacks] => Array (),[ * offset] => 0,[ * options] => Array ([driver] => mysqli,[host] => localhost,[user] => westcoas_j3usr,[password] => k-%(6tS!}sK),[database] => westcoas_j3db,[prefix] => j3_,[select] => 1,[port] => 3306,[socket] => ),[ * sql] => SELECT keyword FROM #__mijoshop_url_alias WHERE query = 'product_id=1130' AND language_id = '1' LIMIT 1,[ * tablePrefix] => j3_,[ * utf] => 1,[ * utf8mb4] => 1,[ * errorNum] => 0,[ * errorMsg] => ,[ * transactionDepth] => 0,[ * disconnectHandlers] => Array ())),[url] => Url Object ([ Url domain] => https://www.west-coast-beauty.com/,[ Url ssl] => https://www.west-coast-beauty.com/,[ Url rewrite] => Array ([0] => MijoShopRouter Object ([app] => Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication Object ([ * _language_filter] => ,[ * _detect_browser] => ,[ * docOptions] => Array (),[scope] => com_mijoshop,[ * _clientId] => 0,[ * _messageQueue] => Array (),[ * _name] => site,[ * profiler] => ,[ * template] => stdClass Object ([id] => 23,[home] => 1,[template] => gantry,[params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ([ * data] => stdClass Object ([master] => true,[current_id] => 23,[template_full_name] => Gantry,[grid_system] => 12,[template_prefix] => gantry-,[cookie_time] => 31536000,[override_set] => 2.5,[name] => Preset1,[copy_lang_files_if_diff] => 1,[logo] => stdClass Object ([enabled] => 0,[position] => header-a,[type] => custom,[custom] => stdClass Object ([image] => )),[headerstyle] => dark,[accent] => stdClass Object ([color1] => #2698de,[color2] => #35478c),[top] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #FFFFFF,[background] => #191d28,[layout] => a:1:{i:12;a:1:{i:2;a:2:{i:0;i:6;i:1;i:6;}}},[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[header] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #666666,[background] => #ffffff,[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[drawer] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #666666,[background] => #ffffff),[showcase] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #FFFFFF,[background] => #CCCCCC,[type] => none,[customshowcase] => stdClass Object ([image] => ),[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[feature] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #FFFFFF,[background] => #333333,[type] => none,[customfeature] => stdClass Object ([image] => ),[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[utility] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #444444,[background] => transparent,[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[breadcrumb] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #FFFFFF,[background] => #CCCCCC),[maintop] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #666666,[background] => #ffffff,[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[mainbody] => stdClass Object ([overlay] => light,[textcolor] => #333333,[background] => #FFFFFF),[mainbottom] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #444444,[background] => #FFFFFF,[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[extension] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #444444,[background] => #F7F7F7,[type] => none,[customextension] => stdClass Object ([image] => ),[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[bottom] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #333333,[background] => #ffffff,[layout] => a:1:{i:12;a:1:{i:3;a:3:{i:0;i:4;i:1;i:3;i:2;i:5;}}},[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[footer] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #666,[background] => #ffffff,[layout] => 3,3,3,3,[showall] => 0,[showmax] => 6),[copyright] => stdClass Object ([textcolor] => #666666,[background] => #f6f6f6,[enabled] => 1,[position] => copyright-b,[text] =>
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=> mainmenu,[theme] => gantry-splitmenu,[mainmenu-position] => header-b,[submenu-position] => sidebar-a,[submenu-title] => 1,[submenu-class_sfx] => ,[submenu-module_sfx] => ,[responsive-menu] => panel,[roknavmenu_dropdown_enable-current-id] => 0,[module_cache] => 1)),[mainbodyPosition] => 6,3,3,[layout-mode] => responsive,[loadtransition] => 0,[component-enabled] => 1,[mainbody-enabled] => 1,[rtl-enabled] => 1,[pagesuffix-enabled] => 1,[selectivizr-enabled] => 0,[less] => stdClass Object ([compression] => 1,[compilewait] => 2,[debugheader] => 0)),[ * initialized] => 1,[separator] => .)),[charSet] => utf-8,[mimeType] => text/html,[modifiedDate] => ,[client] => Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient Object ([ * platform] => ,[ * mobile] => ,[ * engine] => ,[ * browser] => ,[ * browserVersion] => ,[ * languages] => Array (),[ * encodings] => Array (),[ * userAgent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[ * acceptEncoding] => gzip, br, zstd, deflate,[ * acceptLanguage] => ,[ * robot] => ,[ * detection] => Array ([browser] => 1),[ * headers] => ),[ * document] => Joomla\CMS\Document\OpensearchDocument Object ([ Joomla\CMS\Document\OpensearchDocument _shortName] => ,[ Joomla\CMS\Document\OpensearchDocument _images] => Array ([0] => Joomla\CMS\Document\Opensearch\OpensearchImage Object ([type] => image/vnd.microsoft.icon,[data] => https://www.west-coast-beauty.com/templates/gantry/favicon.ico,[width] => 16,[height] => 16)),[ Joomla\CMS\Document\OpensearchDocument _urls] => Array ([0] => Joomla\CMS\Document\Opensearch\OpensearchUrl Object ([type] => application/opensearchdescription+xml,[rel] => self,[template] => Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri Object ([ * uri] => https://www.west-coast-beauty.com/search.opensearch?cat_id=560&product_id=1130&route=product%2Fproduct,[ * scheme] => https,[ * host] => www.west-coast-beauty.com,[ * port] => ,[ * user] => ,[ * pass] => ,[ * path] => /search.opensearch,[ * query] => cat_id=560&product_id=1130&route=product%2Fproduct,[ * fragment] => ,[ * vars] => Array ([cat_id] => 560,[product_id] => 1130,[route] => product/product)))),[title] => Search,[description] => West Coast Beauty Supply provides the best selection of professional beauty supplies to Vancouver and British Columbia.,[link] => ,[base] => ,[language] => en-gb,[direction] => ltr,[_generator] => Joomla! - Open Source Content Management,[_mdate] => ,[_tab] => ,[_lineEnd] => ,[_charset] => utf-8,[_mime] => application/opensearchdescription+xml,[_namespace] => ,[_profile] => ,[_scripts] => Array ([/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js] => Array ([type] => text/javascript,[options] => Array ([version] => auto,[relative] => 1,[detectDebug] => ,[framework] => ,[pathOnly] => ,[detectBrowser] => 1)),[/media/jui/js/jquery-noconflict.js] => Array ([type] => text/javascript,[options] => Array ([version] => auto,[relative] => 1,[framework] => ,[pathOnly] => ,[detectBrowser] => 1,[detectDebug] => 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Component Settings,[JACTION_CREATE] => Create,[JACTION_DELETE] => Delete,[JACTION_EDIT] => Edit,[JACTION_EDITOWN] => Edit Own,[JACTION_EDITSTATE] => Edit State,[JACTION_LOGIN_ADMIN] => Administrator Login,[JACTION_LOGIN_SITE] => Site Login,[JACTION_MANAGE] => Access Administration Interface,[JADMINISTRATOR] => Administrator,[JALL] => All,[JALL_LANGUAGE] => All,[JAPPLY] => Save,[JARCHIVED] => Archived,[JASSOCIATIONS] => Also available:,[JASSOCIATIONS_ASC] => Associations ascending,[JASSOCIATIONS_DESC] => Associations descending,[JAUTHOR] => Author,[JAUTHOR_ASC] => Author ascending,[JAUTHOR_DESC] => Author descending,[JCANCEL] => Cancel,[JCATEGORY] => Category,[JCATEGORY_ASC] => Category ascending,[JCATEGORY_DESC] => Category descending,[JCLEAR] => Clear,[JDATE] => Date,[JDATE_ASC] => Date ascending,[JDATE_DESC] => Date descending,[JDAY] => Day,[JDEFAULT] => Default,[JDETAILS] => Details,[JDISABLED] => Disabled,[JEDITOR] => Editor,[JENABLED] => Enabled,[JEXPIRED] => Expired,[JFALSE] => False,[JFEATURED] => Featured,[JFEATURED_ASC] => Featured ascending,[JFEATURED_DESC] => Featured descending,[JHIDE] => Hide,[JINVALID_TOKEN] => The most recent request was denied because it had an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.,[JINVALID_TOKEN_NOTICE] => The security token did not match. The request was aborted to prevent any security breach. Please try again.,[JLOGIN] => Log in,[JLOGOUT] => Log out,[JMONTH] => Month,[JNEW] => New,[JNEXT] => Next,[JNEXT_TITLE] => Next article: %s,[JNO] => No,[JNONE] => None,[JNOTPUBLISHEDYET] => Not published yet,[JNOTICE] => Notice,[JOFF] => Off,[JOFFLINE_MESSAGE] => This site is down for maintenance.Hello %s
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,[MODIFY_SUBSCRIPTION] => ,[COM_CONTENT_NO_ARTICLES] => ,[COM_CONTENT_READ_MORE_TITLE] => View More >>,[COM_MIJOSHOP_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER_TEXT_BRAND] => Shop by Brands,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN] => Access forbidden.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_APPLICATION_GET_NAME] => JApplication: :getName() : Can't get or parse class name.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_APPLICATION_LOAD] => Unable to load application: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_CREATE] => You are not allowed to create new items in this category.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_EDIT] => You are not allowed to edit one or more of these items.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_FAILED] => Batch process failed with following error: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_MOVE_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND] => Can't find the destination category for this move.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_MOVE_ROW_NOT_FOUND] => Can't find the item being moved.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED] => Check-in failed with the following error: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKIN_NOT_CHECKED] => Item is not checked out.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKIN_USER_MISMATCH] => The user checking in does not match the user who checked out the item.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKOUT_FAILED] => Check-out failed with the following error: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKOUT_USER_MISMATCH] => The user checking out does not match the user who checked out the item.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND] => Component not found.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_LOADING] => Error loading component: %1$s, %2$s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CONTROLLER_GET_NAME] => JController: :getName() : Can't get or parse class name.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CREATE_RECORD_NOT_PERMITTED] => Create record not permitted.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_DELETE_NOT_PERMITTED] => Delete not permitted.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_EDITSTATE_NOT_PERMITTED] => Edit state is not permitted.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_EDIT_ITEM_NOT_PERMITTED] => Edit is not permitted.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_EDIT_NOT_PERMITTED] => Edit not permitted.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_HISTORY_ID_MISMATCH] => Error restoring item version from history.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BATCH_INFORMATION] => Insufficient information to perform the batch operation.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROLLER_CLASS] => Invalid controller class: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROLLER] => Invalid controller: name='%s', format='%s',[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_LAYOUTFILE_NOT_FOUND] => Layout %s not found.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND] => Library not found.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_LOADING] => Error loading library: %1$s, %2$s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MENU_LOAD] => Error loading menu: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MODEL_GET_NAME] => JModel: :getName() : Can't get or parse class name.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MODULE_LOAD] => Error loading module %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_PATHWAY_LOAD] => Unable to load pathway: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_REORDER_FAILED] => Reorder failed. Error: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_ROUTER_LOAD] => Unable to load router: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MODELCLASS_NOT_FOUND] => Model class %s not found in file.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_FAILED] => Save failed with the following error: %s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_NOT_PERMITTED] => Save not permitted.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_TABLE_NAME_NOT_SUPPORTED] => Table %s not supported. File not found.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_TASK_NOT_FOUND] => Task [%s] not found.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_UNHELD_ID] => You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#%d).,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_CLASS_NOT_FOUND] => View class not found [class, file]: %1$s, %2$s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_GET_NAME_SUBSTRING] => JView: :getName() : Your classname has the substring 'view'. This causes problems when extracting the classname from the name of your objects view. Avoid Object names with the substring 'view'.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_GET_NAME] => JView: :getName() : Can't get or parse class name.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND] => View not found [name, type, prefix]: %1$s, %2$s, %3$s,[JLIB_APPLICATION_SAVE_SUCCESS] => Item saved.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_SUBMIT_SAVE_SUCCESS] => Item submitted.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_BATCH] => Batch process completed.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_ITEM_REORDERED] => Ordering saved.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_ORDERING_SAVED] => Ordering saved.,[JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_LOAD_HISTORY] => Prior version restored. Saved on %s %s.,[JLIB_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATE] => Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet.,[JLIB_CACHE_ERROR_CACHE_HANDLER_LOAD] => Unable to load Cache Handler: %s,[JLIB_CACHE_ERROR_CACHE_STORAGE_LOAD] => Unable to load Cache Storage: %s,[JLIB_CAPTCHA_ERROR_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND] => Captcha plugin not set or not found. Please contact a site administrator.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_NO_CONNECT] => JFTP: :connect: Could not connect to host ' %1$s ' on port ' %2$s ',[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_NO_CONNECT_SOCKET] => JFTP: :connect: Could not connect to host ' %1$s ' on port ' %2$s '. Socket error number: %3$s and error message: %4$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :connect: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 220],[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_BAD_USERNAME] => JFTP: :login: Bad Username. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 331]. Username sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_BAD_PASSWORD] => JFTP: :login: Bad Password. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 230]. Password sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PWD_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => FTP: :pwd: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PWD_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :pwd: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 257],[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_SYST_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :syst: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_SYST_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :syst: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 215],[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHDIR_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :chdir: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHDIR_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :chdir: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_REINIT_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :reinit: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_REINIT_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :reinit: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 220],[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RENAME_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :rename: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RENAME_BAD_RESPONSE_FROM] => JFTP: :rename: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 350]. From path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RENAME_BAD_RESPONSE_TO] => JFTP: :rename: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. To path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHMOD_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :chmod: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHMOD_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :chmod: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. Path sent: %2$s. Mode sent: %3$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_DELETE_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :delete: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_DELETE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :delete: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MKDIR_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :mkdir: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MKDIR_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :mkdir: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 257]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RESTART_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :restart: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RESTART_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :restart: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 350]. Restart point sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE_BUFFER] => JFTP: :create: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :create: Unable to use passive mode.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :create: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :create: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE_BUFFER] => JFTP: :read: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :read: Unable to use passive mode.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :read: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :read: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :get: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :get: Unable to use passive mode.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_WRITING_LOCAL] => JFTP: :get: Unable to open local file for writing. Local path: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_BAD_RESPONSE_RETR] => JFTP: :get: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :get: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :store: Unable to use passive mode.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :store: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_READING_LOCAL] => JFTP: :store: Unable to open local file for reading. Local path: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_FIND_LOCAL] => JFTP: :store: Unable to find local file. Local path: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_BAD_RESPONSE_STOR] => JFTP: :store: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_DATA_PORT] => JFTP: :store: Unable to write to data port socket.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :store: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :write: Unable to use passive mode.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :write: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_BAD_RESPONSE_STOR] => JFTP: :write: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_DATA_PORT] => JFTP: :write: Unable to write to data port socket.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :write: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_APPEND_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :append: Unable to use passive mode,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_APPEND_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :append: Bad response,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_APPEND_BAD_RESPONSE_APPE] => JFTP: :append: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_APPEND_DATA_PORT] => JFTP: :append: Unable to write to data port socket,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_APPEND_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :append: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_SIZE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :size: Bad response,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_SIZE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :size: Unable to use passive mode,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :listNames: Unable to use passive mode,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :listNames: Bad response,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_BAD_RESPONSE_NLST] => JFTP: :listNames: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :listNames: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :listDetails: Bad response.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :listDetails: Unable to use passive mode.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_BAD_RESPONSE_LIST] => JFTP: :listDetails: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :listDetails: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_UNRECOGNISED] => JFTP: :listDetails: Unrecognised folder listing format.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PUTCMD_UNCONNECTED] => JFTP: :_putCmd: Not connected to the control port.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PUTCMD_SEND] => JFTP: :_putCmd: Unable to send command: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_VERIFYRESPONSE] => JFTP: :_verifyResponse: Timeout or unrecognised response while waiting for a response from the server. Server response: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_CONNECT_PORT] => JFTP: :_passive: Not connected to the control port.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :_passive: Timeout or unrecognised response while waiting for a response from the server. Server response: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_IP_OBTAIN] => JFTP: :_passive: Unable to obtain IP and port for data transfer. Server response: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_IP_VALID] => JFTP: :_passive: IP and port for data transfer not valid. Server response: %s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_CONNECT] => JFTP: :_passive: Could not connect to host %1$s on port %2$s. Socket error number: %3$s and error message: %4$s,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MODE_BINARY] => JFTP: :_mode: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 200]. Mode sent: Binary.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MODE_ASCII] => JFTP: :_mode: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 200]. Mode sent: Ascii.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_HELPER_SETCREDENTIALSFROMREQUEST_FAILED] => Looks like User's credentials are no good.,[JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_LDAP_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE] => Address not available.,[JLIB_CMS_WARNING_PROVIDE_VALID_NAME] => Please provide a valid, non-blank title.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND_FAILED_INVALID_SOURCE_ARGUMENT] => %s: :bind failed. Invalid source argument.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ARTICLE_UNIQUE_ALIAS] => Another article from this category has the same alias (remember it may be a trashed item).,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CATEGORY_UNIQUE_ALIAS] => Another category with the same parent category has the same alias (remember it may be a trashed item).,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHECK_FAILED] => %s: :check Failed - %s,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED] => %s: :check-in failed - %s,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHECKOUT_FAILED] => %s: :check-out failed - %s,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHILD_ROWS_CHECKED_OUT] => Child rows checked out.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CLASS_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_ORDERING] => %s does not support ordering.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CLASS_IS_MISSING_FIELD] => Missing field in the database: %s %s.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND_IN_FILE] => Table class %s not found in file.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DATABASE_UPGRADE_FAILED] => MySQL Database Upgrade failed. Please check the Database Fixer.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_CATEGORY] => Left-Right data inconsistency. Can't delete category.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED] => %s: :delete failed - %s,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_ROOT_CATEGORIES] => Root categories can't be deleted.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_EMAIL_INUSE] => The email address you entered is already in use. Please enter another email address.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_EMPTY_ROW_RETURNED] => The database row is empty.,[JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED] => DB function failed with error number %s%s
,[JLIB_JS_AJAX_ERROR_TIMEOUT] => A timeout has occurred while fetching the JSON data.,[JLIB_LANGUAGE_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_METAFILE] => Could not load %s language XML file from %s.,[JLIB_LANGUAGE_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_METADATA] => Could not load %s metadata from %s.,[JLIB_LOGIN_AUTHORISATION] => Your access has been authorised.,[JLIB_LOGIN_DENIED] => Your access has been denied.,[JLIB_LOGIN_EXPIRED] => Your authentication has expired.,[JLIB_MAIL_FUNCTION_DISABLED] => The mail() function has been disabled and the mail can't be sent.,[JLIB_MAIL_FUNCTION_OFFLINE] => The mail function has been disabled by an administrator.,[JLIB_MAIL_INVALID_EMAIL_SENDER] => Invalid email sender: %s,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_UPLOAD_INPUT] => Unable to upload file.,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILENAME] => File name must only have alphanumeric characters and no spaces.,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE] => This file is too large to upload.,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETYPE] => This file type is not supported.,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNIEXSS] => Possible IE XSS Attack found.,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_IMG] => Not a valid image.,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_MIME] => Invalid mime type detected.,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_MIMETYPE] => Illegal mime type detected: %s,[JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNNOTADMIN] => Uploaded file is not an image file and you do not have permission.,[JLIB_MENUS_PRESET_JOOMLA] => Preset - Joomla,[JLIB_MENUS_PRESET_MODERN] => Preset - Modern,[JLIB_NO_EDITOR_PLUGIN_PUBLISHED] => Unable to display an editor because no editor plugin is published.,[JLIB_PLUGIN_ERROR_LOADING_PLUGINS] => Error loading Plugins: %s,[JLIB_REGISTRY_EXCEPTION_LOAD_FORMAT_CLASS] => Unable to load format class.,[JLIB_RULES_ACTION] => Action,[JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED] => Allowed,[JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED_ADMIN] => Allowed (Super User),[JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED_INHERITED] => Allowed (Inherited),[JLIB_RULES_CALCULATED_SETTING] => Calculated Setting,[JLIB_RULES_CONFLICT] => Conflict,[JLIB_RULES_DATABASE_FAILURE] => Failed storing the data to the database.,[JLIB_RULES_DENIED] => Denied,[JLIB_RULES_GROUP] => %s,[JLIB_RULES_GROUPS] => Groups,[JLIB_RULES_INHERIT] => Inherit,[JLIB_RULES_INHERITED] => Inherited,[JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED] => Not Allowed,[JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_ADMIN_CONFLICT] => Conflict,[JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_DEFAULT] => Not Allowed (Default),[JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_INHERITED] => Not Allowed (Inherited),[JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_LOCKED] => Not Allowed (Locked),[JLIB_RULES_NOT_SET] => Not Set,[JLIB_RULES_NOTICE_RECALCULATE_GROUP_PERMISSIONS] => Super User permissions changed. Save or reload to recalculate this group permissions.,[JLIB_RULES_NOTICE_RECALCULATE_GROUP_CHILDS_PERMISSIONS] => Permissions changed in a group with child groups. Save or reload to recalculate the child groups permissions.,[JLIB_RULES_REQUEST_FAILURE] => Failed sending the data to server.,[JLIB_RULES_SAVE_BEFORE_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS] => Please save before changing permissions.,[JLIB_RULES_SELECT_ALLOW_DENY_GROUP] => Allow or deny %s for users in the %s group.,[JLIB_RULES_SELECT_SETTING] => Select New Setting,[JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES] => If you change the setting, it will apply to this and all child groups, components and content. Note that Denied will overrule any inherited setting and also the setting in any child group, component or content. In the case of a setting conflict, Deny will take precedence. Not Set is equivalent to Denied but can be changed in child groups, components and content.,[JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES_ITEM] => If you change the setting, it will apply to this item. Note that:JROOT/imagesfolder instead, please select this option. Files in the old location can still be used, but are overridden by the files in the selected folder.,[PLG_SYSTEM_GANTRY5_FIELD_USE_ASSIGNMENTS_LABEL] => Use Gantry 5 Assignments,[PLG_SYSTEM_GANTRY5_FIELD_USE_ASSIGNMENTS_DESC] => By default Gantry uses it's own assignemnts. If you're using custom extension for template assignments, please turn off this setting.,[PLG_SYSTEM_RSFPHCAPTCHA_DESC] => The RSForm!Pro - hCaptcha plugin allows you to add the hCaptcha spam protection to your form.,[PLG_SYSTEM_RSFPHCAPTCHA_LABEL] => hCaptcha,[PLG_SYSTEM_RSFPHCAPTCHA_DONT_HAVE_HCAPTCHA_ACCOUNT] => Don't have a hCaptcha account?,[PLG_SYSTEM_RSFPHCAPTCHA_CLICK_HERE_TO_GET_STARTED] => Click here to get started.,[PLG_SYSTEM_RSFPHCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY] => Sitekey,[PLG_SYSTEM_RSFPHCAPTCHA_SECRET] => Secret,[PLG_SYSTEM_RSFPHCAPTCHA_LANGUAGE] => Language,[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_AUTO] => Auto (Detected by hCaptcha),[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_SITE] => Site (Joomla! language),[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_NO_SITE_KEY] => You'll need to setup your Sitekey in order to use hCaptcha.,[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_MISSING_INPUT_SECRET] => (hCaptcha) The secret parameter is missing. Did you setup the correct Secret in the Configuration?,[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_INVALID_INPUT_SECRET] => (hCaptcha) The secret parameter is invalid or malformed. Please double check the Secret in your Configuration.,[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_MISSING_INPUT_RESPONSE] => (hCaptcha) The response is missing. Did you tick the 'I am human' checkbox?,[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_INVALID_INPUT_RESPONSE] => (hCaptcha) The response is invalid or malformed. Did you tick the 'I am human' checkbox?,[PLG_SYSTEM_HCAPTCHA_TIMEOUT_OR_DUPLICATE] => (hCaptcha) The response has expired or is a duplicate. Please try again.,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_NORMAL] => Normal,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_COMPACT] => Compact,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_LIGHT] => Light,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_DARK] => Dark,[COM_RSFORM] => RSForm! Pro,[COM_RSFORM_PRODUCT_VERSION] => Version,[COM_RSFORM_COPYRIGHT_NAME] => Copyright,[COM_RSFORM_LICENSE_NAME] => License,[COM_RSFORM_UPDATE_CODE] => Update Code,[COM_RSFORM_PLEASE_ENTER_YOUR_CODE_IN_THE_CONFIGURATION] => Please enter your code in the Configuration.,[COM_RSFORM_WHERE_DO_I_FIND_THIS] => Where do I find this?,[COM_RSFORM_RSFIREWALL_APPROVED] => RSFirewall! Approved,[COM_RSFORM_COMMERCIAL] => Commercial,[RSFP_YES] => Yes,[RSFP_NO] => No,[RSFP_EVERYBODY] => Everybody,[RSFP_SAVE] => Save,[RSFP_CLOSE] => Close,[COM_RSFORM_NEXT] => Next,[COM_RSFORM_CANCEL] => Cancel,[RSFP_MANAGE_FORMS] => Manage Forms,[RSFP_MANAGE_SUBMISSIONS] => Manage Submissions,[RSFP_MANAGE_DIRECTORY_SUBMISSIONS] => Manage Directories,[RSFP_BACKUP_RESTORE] => Backup / Restore,[RSFP_CONFIGURATION] => Configuration,[RSFP_UPDATES] => Check for Updates,[RSFP_SUPPORT] => Support,[RSFP_USER_GUIDE] => Documentation,[RSFP_PLUGINS] => Plugins,[RSFP_MODIFY_CODE] => Modify Code,[RSFP_UPDATE_CODE] => Update Code,[RSFP_REGISTRATION_SAVED] => Registration has been succesfully saved!,[COM_RSFORM_CONFIGURATION] => Configuration,[RSFP_VERSION] => Version,[RSFP_COPYRIGHT] => Copyright,[RSFP_LICENSE] => License,[RSFP_AUTHOR] => Author,[COM_RSFORM_FORMS_TABLE_CAPTION] => Table of forms,[COM_RSFORM_SEARCH_FILTER_PLACEHOLDER] => Search. Prefix with ID: to search for a specific form ID.,[COM_RSFORM_FILTER_SEARCH_LABEL] => Search,[COM_RSFORM_FILTER_FORMS_LABEL] => Forms,[COM_RSFORM_FILTER_SEARCH_DESC] => Search any string in the items displayed below.,[COM_RSFORM_FORMS_FORMTITLE_ORDER_ASC] => Form title ascending,[COM_RSFORM_FORMS_FORMTITLE_ORDER_DESC] => Form title descending,[COM_RSFORM_FORMS_FORMNAME_ORDER_ASC] => Form name ascending,[COM_RSFORM_FORMS_FORMNAME_ORDER_DESC] => Form name descending,[COM_RSFORM_FORMS_FORMID_ORDER_ASC] => Form ID ascending,[COM_RSFORM_FORMS_FORMID_ORDER_DESC] => Form ID descending,[RSFP_FORM_TITLE] => Form Title,[RSFP_SHOW_FORM_TITLE] => Show Form Title,[RSFP_FORM_NAME] => Form Name,[RSFP_FORM_ID] => Form ID,[RSFP_TODAY_SUBMISSIONS] => Today: %d,[RSFP_MONTH_SUBMISSIONS] => This Month: %d,[RSFP_ALL_SUBMISSIONS] => All: %d,[RSFP_CLEAR_SUBMISSIONS] => Clear Submissions,[RSFP_EDITING_FORM] => Editing '%s',[RSFP_EDITING_DIRECTORY] => Editing '%s',[RSFP_EXPORTING] => Exporting (%s) From "%s",[LINK_TO_BACKEND_MENU] => Add To Backend Menu,[LINK_TO_BACKEND_REMOVE_MENU] => Remove from backend menu,[RSFP_LAST_LANGUAGE] => Last Language Used,[COM_RSFORM_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CLEAR] => Are you sure you want to clear this form's submissions?,[RSFP_FORM_ADDED_BACKEND] => The form has been successfully added to the backend! Access it from the Components menu.,[RSFP_FORM_REMOVED_BACKEND] => The form has been successfully removed from the backend!,[RSFP_FORM_SAVED] => The form has been successfully saved!,[RSFP_FORMS_DELETED] => %d forms have been deleted!,[RSFP_FORMS_COPIED] => %d forms have been copied!,[RSFP_FORMS_PUBLISHED] => %d forms have been successfully published!,[RSFP_FORMS_UNPUBLISHED] => %d forms have been successfully unpublished!,[RSFP_ITEMS_PUBLISHED] => %d items have been successfully published!,[RSFP_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED] => %d items have been successfully unpublished!,[RSFP_PLEASE_MAKE_SELECTION_TO] => Please make a selection from the list to %s,[RSFP_CHANGES_SAVED] => Your changes have been saved.,[RSFP_RESEND] => resend,[RSFP_COPY] => copy,[COM_RSFORM_EMAIL_FIELD_ERROR_WRONG_PLACEHOLDER] => Email field %s contains a wrong placeholder. Please make sure the field and placeholder exist.,[COM_RSFORM_EMAIL_FIELD_ERROR_NOT_AN_EMAIL] => Email field %s contains a value that doesn't look like an email address. Please make sure you type in either a placeholder or a valid email address before saving.,[COM_RSFORM_EMAIL_FIELD_ERROR_WRONG_DELIMITER] => Email field %s contains an incorrect delimiter - you can separate multiple values by using comma (,).,[RSFP_FORM_FIELD] => Form Field,[RSFP_YOU_ARE_EDITING_IN] => You are currently editing this form in %s. Fields that are translatable have been marked with a %s icon.,[RSFP_YOU_ARE_EDITING_IN_SHORT] => You are currently editing in %s.,[RSFP_YOU_ARE_EDITING_CONDITIONS_IN] => You are currently editing these conditions in %s.,[RSFP_FORM_FIELDS] => Standard Form Fields,[RSFP_ADVANCED_FORM_FIELDS] => Advanced Form Fields,[RSFP_MULTIPAGE] => Multipage,[RSFP_CAPTCHA] => Spam Protection,[RSFP_PAGE_BREAK] => Pagebreak,[RSFP_UPDATE] => Update,[RSFP_REMOVE_COMPONENT] => Remove Field :: Click here to remove this field.,[RSFP_REMOVE_COMPONENT_CONFIRM] => Are you sure you want to remove the field '%s'?,[RSFP_EDIT_COMPONENT] => Edit Field :: Click here to edit this field.,[RSFP_COMP_TEXTBOX] => Textbox,[RSFP_COMP_TEXTAREA] => Textarea,[RSFP_COMP_DROPDOWN] => Dropdown,[RSFP_COMP_CHECKBOX] => Checkbox Group,[RSFP_COMP_RADIO] => Radio Group,[RSFP_COMP_SUBMITBUTTON] => Submit Button,[RSFP_COMP_PASSWORD] => Password,[RSFP_COMP_FILE] => File Upload,[RSFP_COMP_FREETEXT] => Free Text,[RSFP_COMP_CALENDAR] => Calendar,[RSFP_COMP_JQUERY_CALENDAR] => Date and Time Picker,[RSFP_COMP_BUTTON] => Button,[RSFP_COMP_RANGE_SLIDER] => Range Slider,[RSFP_COMP_IMAGEBUTTON] => Image Button,[RSFP_COMP_CAPTCHA] => CAPTCHA Antispam,[RSFP_COMP_HIDDEN] => Hidden Field,[RSFP_COMP_TICKET] => Support Ticket,[RSFP_COMP_BIRTHDAY] => Birthday Field,[RSFP_COMP_GMAP] => Google Map,[RSFP_CAPTION] => Caption,[COM_RSFORM_FIELDS_REMOVED] => %d fields have been removed.,[RSFP_ADD_NEW_ROW] => Add New Row,[RSFP_DELETE_ROW] => Delete Row,[RSFP_ROW_OPTIONS] => Options,[RSFP_GRID_LAYOUT] => Grid Layout,[RSFP_GRID_OPTIONS] => Select the number of columns,[RSFP_GRID_ONE_COLUMN] => One column,[RSFP_GRID_TWO_COLUMNS] => Two columns,[RSFP_GRID_THREE_COLUMNS] => Three columns,[RSFP_GRID_FOUR_COLUMNS] => Four columns,[RSFP_GRID_CANNOT_REMOVE_ROW] => Cannot remove a row that has fields - please place the fields in another row or remove them first.,[RSFP_GRID_REMOVE_ROW_CONFIRM] => Are you sure you want to remove this row?,[RSFP_GRID_HIDDEN_FIELDS] => Hidden Fields,[RSFP_GRID_NOTHING_TO_PASTE] => Nothing to paste,[RSFP_GRID_PASTE_ITEMS] => Paste below (%d items),[RSFP_GRID_CUT] => Cut,[RSFP_GRID_PUBLISHED] => Published,[RSFP_GRID_UNPUBLISHED] => Unpublished,[RSFP_GRID_NOTHING_TO_PUBLISH] => Nothing to publish,[RSFP_GRID_CANT_CHANGE_REQUIRED] => Can't set as required,[RSFP_GRID_SET_AS_REQUIRED] => Required,[RSFP_GRID_SET_AS_NOT_REQUIRED] => Not Required,[RSFP_HIDDEN_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER] => -- HIDDEN FIELD --,[RSFP_PHP_CODE_PLACEHOLDER] => -- PHP CODE --,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_NAME] => Name,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_NAME_DESC] => This is used internally to reference this field (eg. through a placeholder).,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_CAPTION] => Caption,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_CAPTION_DESC] => This is the caption that appears on your form next to the field.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_REQUIRED] => Required,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_REQUIRED_DESC] => Mark this field as mandatory.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SIZE] => Size,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SIZE_DESC] => This is the HTML size attribute for the field. If you want to change the width consider using CSS instead.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FILESIZE] => File Size (KB),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FILESIZE_DESC] => Configure the maximum allowable size for the uploaded file, in kilobytes eg. 1024 will allow files up to 1 megabyte to be uploaded.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXSIZE] => Max Size,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXSIZE_DESC] => This is the maximum number of characters that can be typed in this field eg. 255,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOW_CHAR_COUNT] => Show Character Count,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOW_CHAR_COUNT_DESC] => This will display a paragraph showing the character count.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONRULE] => Validation Rule,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONMULTIPLE] => Multiple Validation Rules,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONMESSAGE] => Validation Message,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONMESSAGE_DESC] => This is the message displayed if field is required and not filled in or if it fails validation.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONEXTRA] => Extra Accepted Characters,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONEXTRAREGEX] => Regex Syntax,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONEXTRASAMEAS] => Field Name To Compare With,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES] => Additional Attributes,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES_DESC] => Specify additional HTML attributes for this field eg. autocomplete="off",[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATENEXTPAGE] => Validate When Changing Page?,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATENEXTPAGE_DESC] => Validate the current page through AJAX when attempting to advance to the next page.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DISPLAYPROGRESS] => Display Progress Text?,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DISPLAYPROGRESS_DESC] => Enabling this option will insert a progress bar in your form (usable for multi-page scenarios),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DISPLAYPROGRESSMSG] => Progress Message,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DISPLAYPROGRESSMSG_DESC] => Add a message to your progress bar. HTML code is allowed. Placeholders available: {page}, {total}, {percent}.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DEFAULTVALUE] => Default Value,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DEFAULTVALUE_DESC] => Type in a default value for this field.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DESCRIPTION] => Description,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DESCRIPTION_DESC] => Type in a description. Depending on the Form Layout you select, this will appear as a descriptive text next to the field or through a popup.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_COMPONENTTYPE] => Component Type,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_COLS] => Cols,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_COLS_DESC] => Number of columns.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ROWS] => Rows,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ROWS_DESC] => Number of rows.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MULTIPLE] => Multiple,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MULTIPLE_DESC] => If you want allow the selection of multiple values, set this to Yes.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ITEMS] => Items,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ITEMS_DESC] => The actual items of this input field. Add one value per line, and you can specify a value and a label by separating them with a pipeline | character. e.g. red|Red Dress.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FLOW] => Flow,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FLOW_DESC] => Choose how you want to display multiple options.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXSELECTIONS] => Max Selections,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXSELECTIONS_DESC] => Limit the number of selections. 0 means unlimited.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINSELECTIONS] => Min Selections,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINSELECTIONS_DESC] => Require a minimum amount of selections for this field to be submitted.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DATEFORMAT] => Date Format,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DATEFORMAT_DESC] => The format of the selected date.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_CALENDARLAYOUT] => Calendar Layout,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_CALENDARLAYOUT_DESC] => Controls how the calendar is displayed. Popup will add a button that will popup the calendar.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_LABEL] => Label,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_LABEL_DESC] => This is the label that appears on your button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_RESET] => Show Reset Button,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_RESET_DESC] => Display a reset button on your form (clicking it resets all field values).,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_RESETLABEL] => Reset Button Label,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_RESETLABEL_DESC] => This is the label that appears on the reset button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_LENGTH] => Length,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_LENGTH_DESC] => Input the length of the code.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VIEW_TYPE] => View Type,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_NEXTBUTTON] => Next Button Label,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_NEXTBUTTON_DESC] => This is the label that appears on the next page button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PREVBUTTON] => Prev Button Label,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PREVBUTTON_DESC] => This is the label that appears on the previous page button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PREFIX] => File Prefix (leave blank for default),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PREFIX_DESC] => Files will automatically have a random prefix added to their filename. Either type in another prefix or generate a new one through a PHP code below.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_IMAGETYPE] => Image Generation,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_IMAGETYPE_DESC] => Choose how to generate the image. FreeType generates a nicer image, Invisible will not display Captcha but will add a hidden field to your form as a spamtrap.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_TYPE] => Type,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_TYPE_DESC] => Choose which characters to use when generating the code.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ACCEPTEDFILES] => Accepted extensions (use enter to add after typing in),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ACCEPTEDFILES_DESC] => Use this field to configure the accepted file extensions. Specify an extension and press enter to specify another eg. jpg,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ACCEPTEDFILESIMAGES] => Allow Only Images,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ACCEPTEDFILESIMAGES_DESC] => Set this to Yes if you would like to only allow images to be uploaded. You can also resize them.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THUMBSIZE] => Thumb Width (Pixels),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THUMBSIZE_DESC] => Specify the width of the thumbnail, in pixels. Use 0 if you do not want to create a thumb, keeping the original image instead.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THUMBQUALITY] => Thumb Quality (Percent),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THUMBQUALITY_DESC] => Specify the quality of the resulting thumbnail.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THUMBEXTENSION] => Thumb Extension,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THUMBEXTENSION_DESC] => Select the extension of the resulting thumbnail.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DESTINATION] => Destination,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DESTINATION_DESC] => Configure the path where uploaded files will be stored. The default value should suffice but feel free to type in another path.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SANITIZEFILENAME] => Sanitize Filename,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SANITIZEFILENAME_DESC] => Set this to Yes if you want the filename to be lowercased, transliterated and stripped of characters that are not in the alphanumeric range.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FILESSEPARATOR] => Separator,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FILESSEPARATOR_DESC] => Set the separator to use when displaying multiple values.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINFILES] => Minimum Uploads,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINFILES_DESC] => Require a minimum amount of files to be uploaded in this field.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXFILES] => Maximum Uploads,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXFILES_DESC] => Require a maximum amount of files to be uploaded in this field. Use 0 for unlimited.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MULTIPLEPLUS] => 'Add More Files' Button,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MULTIPLEPLUS_DESC] => Set this to Yes if you would like to add more files by clicking a button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWIMAGEPREVIEW] => Show Image Preview,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWIMAGEPREVIEW_DESC] => Set this to Yes if you would like to automatically load the image and display it below the input.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_TEXT] => Text,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_TEXT_DESC] => Insert your text here. Can contain HTML code.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_IMAGERESET] => Image Reset,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_IMAGEBUTTON] => Image URL,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_IMAGEBUTTON_DESC] => This is the URL to the image you want to show on your button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWREFRESH] => Show Refresh,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWREFRESH_DESC] => Choose if you want to display a refresh link next to the image. Clicking it will generate a new image.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_REFRESHTEXT] => Refresh Text,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_REFRESHTEXT_DESC] => This is the text that appears on the refresh link next to the image.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_READONLY] => Readonly,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_READONLY_DESC] => Make the input field read-only (cannot be typed in).,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_POPUPLABEL] => Popup Label,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_POPUPLABEL_DESC] => If the Popup layout is being used, you can add the label of the button that triggers it,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_CHARACTERS] => Characters,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_CHARACTERS_DESC] => Choose which characters to use when generating the code.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ATTACHUSEREMAIL] => Attach User Email,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ATTACHADMINEMAIL] => Attach Admin Email,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_WYSIWYG] => Enable WYSIWYG Editor,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_WYSIWYG_DESC] => Enabling this option will load the WYSIWYG editor in the frontend.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_WYSIWYGBUTTONS] => Show Editor Buttons,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_WYSIWYGBUTTONS_DESC] => Enabling this option will display the editor-xtd plugin buttons below the editor.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOW] => Show in front-end?,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PBKEY] => Public Key,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PRKEY] => Private Key,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THEME] => Theme,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_THEME_DESC] => Select one of the pre-defined themes, light or dark.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINDATE] => Min Date (m/d/Y),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINDATE_DESC] => The submitter will not be able to select a date below the one specified here. Custom PHP codes can be used in between the //<code> and //</code> tags,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXDATE] => Max Date (m/d/Y),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXDATE_DESC] => The submitter will not be able to select a date past the one specified in this field. Custom PHP codes can be used in between the //<code> and //</code> tags,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PRICE] => Price,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_EMAILATTACH] => Attach file to,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_EMAILATTACH_DESC] => You can attach the uploaded files to configured emails. Hold down CTRL and click to select and deselect.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_BUTTONTYPE] => Button Type,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_BUTTONTYPE_DESC] => Choose which HTML tag to use to generate the button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ALLOWHTML] => Allow HTML,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ALLOWHTML_DESC] => Setting this to Yes will not escape the HTML inside the button's label. Use this if you would like to place icons inside your button.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWDAY] => Show Day Selector,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWDAY_DESC] => Allow the user to choose the day.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWMONTH] => Show Month Selector,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWMONTH_DESC] => Allow the use to choose the month.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWMONTHTYPE] => Month Display,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWMONTHTYPE_DESC] => Select how the months will display.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER] => Placeholder,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER_DESC] => Add a HTML5 placeholder attribute.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_INPUTTYPE] => Type,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_INPUTTYPE_DESC] => Choose a HTML5 input type.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SLIDERTYPE] => Slider Type,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SLIDERTYPE_DESC] => Single sliders provide a single marker. Double sliders provide two markers to select two values (from - to).,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALUES] => Values,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALUES_DESC] => Add specific values. Please add each value on a new line.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SKIN] => Skin,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SKIN_DESC] => Choose a skin type.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINVALUE] => Minimum Value,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINVALUE_DESC] => Set the minimum value that the marker can reach.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXVALUE] => Maximum Value,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXVALUE_DESC] => Set the maximum value that the marker can reach.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GRID] => Show Grid,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GRID_DESC] => Shows the grid below the slider.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GRIDSNAP] => Grid Snap,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GRIDSNAP_DESC] => Snap grid to sliders step (Grid Step field).,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GRIDSTEP] => Grid Step,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GRIDSTEP_DESC] => Set the step for the grid.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FORCEEDGES] => Force Edges,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FORCEEDGES_DESC] => Slider will be always inside it's container.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FROMFIXED] => From Fixed,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_FROMFIXED_DESC] => Forces the first marker to remain fixed (cannot be moved).,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_TOFIXED] => To Fixed,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_TOFIXED_DESC] => Forces the second marker to remain fixed (cannot be moved).,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_KEYBOARD] => Allow Keyboard Controls,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_KEYBOARD_DESC] => Allows users to modify the slider using the keyboard, through the LEFT and RIGHT arrows.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_USEVALUES] => Use Values,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_USEVALUES_DESC] => Allows you to add specific values for the slider instead of a Minimum Value and Maximum Value.,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_MONTH_TYPE_01] => Number with leading zero (01),[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_MONTH_TYPE_1] => Number without leading zero (1),[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_MONTH_TYPE_TEXT_SHORT] => Short (Jan),[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_MONTH_TYPE_TEXT_LONG] => Long (January),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWDAYTYPE] => Day Display,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWDAYTYPE_DESC] => Toggle if you want to display the leading zero in numbers.,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_DAY_TYPE_01] => Number with leading zero (01),[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_DAY_TYPE_1] => Number without leading zero (1),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWYEAR] => Show Year Selector,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWYEAR_DESC] => Allow the user to choose the year.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_STARTYEAR] => Start Year,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_STARTYEAR_DESC] => The starting year.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ENDYEAR] => End Year,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ENDYEAR_DESC] => The ending year.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DATESEPARATOR] => Date Separator,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DATESEPARATOR_DESC] => Change the date separator to something that fits your scenario,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DATEORDERING] => Fields Ordering,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_DATEORDERING_DESC] => You can choose the order of the date drop-downs.,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_DMY] => Day, Month, Year,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_MDY] => Month, Day, Year,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_YMD] => Year, Month, Day,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_YDM] => Year, Day, Month,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_MYD] => Month, Year, Day,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_DYM] => Day, Year, Month,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWDAYPLEASE] => Show 'Please Select' on Day Selector - leave blank to remove,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWDAYPLEASE_DESC] => Name of the first item that will represent the according drop-down, leave blank to remove,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWMONTHPLEASE] => Show 'Please Select' on Month Selector - leave blank to remove,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWMONTHPLEASE_DESC] => Name of the first item that will represent the according drop-down, leave blank to remove,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWYEARPLEASE] => Show 'Please Select' on Year Selector - leave blank to remove,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_SHOWYEARPLEASE_DESC] => Name of the first item that will represent the according drop-down, leave blank to remove,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONRULE_DATE] => Validation Rule,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONRULE_DATE_DESC] => Validate user input against a pre-defined validation rule.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATION_ALLOW_INCORRECT_DATE] => Allow Incorrect Dates (eg. 31 Feb 2013),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATION_ALLOW_INCORRECT_DATE_DESC] => Choose if you want to allow invalid selections.,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_FROMTODAY] => From today (including today),[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_FROMTOMORROW] => From tomorrow,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_BEFORETODAYEXCLUDING] => Until today (excluding today),[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_BEFORETODAYINCLUDING] => Until today (including today),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONCALENDAR] => Date Modifier,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONCALENDAR_DESC] => Choose to link this calendar to another calendar on your form.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONCALENDAROFFSET] => Date Offset,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONCALENDAROFFSET_DESC] => Choose how many days to add or subtract.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONDATE] => Date Validation,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_VALIDATIONDATE_DESC] => Set this to Yes if you'd like to validate the date upon submission based on the current date format.,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_NO_DATE_MODIFIER] => No Modifier,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_STORELEADINGZERO] => Store Leading Zero in Day/Month?,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_STORELEADINGZERO_DESC] => Choose if you want to save the leading 0. e.g. 06 or 6,[RSFP_CALENDAR_SETS_MINDATE] => Selected date becomes '%s' minimum date,[RSFP_CALENDAR_SETS_MAXDATE] => Selected date becomes '%s' maximum date,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPWIDTH] => Map Width,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPWIDTH_DESC] => Set the width of the Google Map specified in pixels.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPHEIGHT] => Map Height,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPHEIGHT_DESC] => Set the height of the Google Map specified in pixels.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPCENTER] => Map Center,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPCENTER_DESC] => Set the coordinates to center the Google Map on load.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_REQUESTLOCATION] => Request Current Location,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_REQUESTLOCATION_DESC] => Set this to Yes if you would like to ask the user to supply his current location on the map.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPZOOM] => Map Zoom,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPZOOM_DESC] => Configure the default zoom level for the map.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPRESULT] => Result Output,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPRESULT_DESC] => Choose between showing the address or the actual coordinates when moving the map pointer.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPTYPE] => Map Type,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAPTYPE_DESC] => Choose between four types of maps available within the Google Maps.,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_COORDINATES] => Coordinates,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_ADDRESS] => Address,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_ROADMAP] => Roadmap,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_SATELLITE] => Satellite,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_HYBRID] => Hybrid,[RSFP_COMP_FVALUE_TERRAIN] => Terrain,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GEOLOCATION] => Enable Geolocation Search,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_GEOLOCATION_DESC] => A list of suggestions will appear while typing in the address.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINDATEJQ] => Min Date (m/d/Y H:i),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MINDATEJQ_DESC] => The submitter will not be able to select a date below the one specified here. Custom PHP codes can be used in between the //<code> and //</code> tags.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXDATEJQ] => Max Date (m/d/Y H:i),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_MAXDATEJQ_DESC] => The submitter will not be able to select a date past the one specified in this field. Custom PHP codes can be used in between the //<code> and //</code> tags.,[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ALLOWDATERE] => Allowed Dates Regex (m/d/Y),[RSFP_COMP_FIELD_ALLOWDATERE_DESC] => The calendar will display only the dates that matches the regex specified here.