Sharonelle Azulene Depilatory WaxFormulated for thin, fast and economical applications, Sharonelle's Azulene Depilatory Wax contains blue oil obtained from chamomile flower providing anti-inflammatory protection, bactericidal, anti-allergenic and natural organic components. It's also suitable for all types of hair growth.Size: 500 mlSkin Type & Condition: For all skin types, especially sensiti..
Sharonelle Citrus Natural Wax CleanerSharonelle Citrus Equipment Cleaner is the easiest way to clean up tough wax spills from equipment and surfaces with a classic citrus scent.Size: 1 Litre & 4 LitreFeatures & Benefits: Removes depilatory wax from equipment The cleaner leaves no residue Usage Instructions: Let the wax reside on equipment cool off Scrape wax residue off with a ..
Sharonelle Honey Depilatory WaxSharonelle's Honey Depilatory wax is made of the finest pine vegetable resin mixture citronella oil goes on smooth, comes off clean, no residue, no stickiness.Size: 500 mlSkin Type & Condition: For all skin typesFeatures & Benefits: Formulated to melt at lower temperature Contains natural organic and inorganic substances Tough to the hair - gentle to th..
Sharonelle Large Waxing SpatulasLarge, wooden spatulas used for waxingSize: 500 pkDimension: 150 x 18 x 1.6 mm..
Sharonelle Lavender Depilatory WaxSharonelle's Lavender Depilatory Wax contains lavender and chamomile flower providing anti-inflammatory protection, bactericidal and anti-allergenic.Size: 500 mlSkin Type & Condition: For all skin types, especially sensitive skinFeatures & Benefits: Formulated to melt at lower temperature Contains natural organic and inorganic substances Tough to the..
Sharonelle Microwave Natural Azulene WaxLow temperature melting wax, for Professional Use Only.Size: 16 ozSkin Type & Condition: For sensitive skinUsage Instructions: Open container of wax and place it in a microwave. Allow wax to melt completely. Heat to lukewarm temperature. Stir for even consistency. Test the wax for correct temperature. Clean the area to be treated with the Sharonelle ..
Sharonelle Non-Woven Epilating RollSharonelle Premium Non-Woven Wax Roll strips that help to achieve flawless removal of wax service on large body areas. Perfect use on hair that is very short and coarse.Size: 3" x 100 yardsFeatures & Benefits: Perfect for body and legs Best for coarse hair A perfect choice for Spa...
Sharonelle Paraffin Wax (Lavender)For all paraffin wax treatments, Soothes muscle tension and stiff joints.Size: 2 lbFeatures & Benefits: Softens and moisturizes rough, dry and itchy skin Enriched with Vitamin E and other natural oils Specially formulated for hydrating, superb heat retention..
Sharonelle Paraffin Wax (Peach)For all paraffin wax treatments, Soothes muscle tension and stiff joints.Size: 2 lbFeatures & Benefits: Softens and moisturizes rough, dry and itchy skin Enriched with Vitamin E and other natural oils Specially formulated for hydrating, superb heat retention..
Sharonelle Paraffin Wax (Unscented)For all paraffin wax treatments, Soothes muscle tension and stiff joints.Size: 2 lbFeatures & Benefits: Softens and moisturizes rough, dry and itchy skin Enriched with Vitamin E and other natural oils Specially formulated for hydrating, superb heat retention..
Sharonelle Tea Tree Oil Depilatory WaxSharonelle's Tea Tree Oil Depilatory Wax melts at a lower temperature and protects against infection (as a result of the pure Tea Tree oil content).Size: 500 mlSkin Type & Condition: For all skin types, especially sensitive skinFeatures & Benefits: Formulated to melt at lower temperature Contains natural organic and inorganic substances Tough to ..
Sharonelle Wooden Waxing SpatulasWooden spatulas used for waxingSize: 1000 pkOptions Available: Small & Medium..
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