West Coast Beauty



Only Available for Canadian Professional Beauty Trade

Social  Responsibility

At West Coast Beauty Company, we have always believed that corporations should be part of the community in helping to leave this world a better place than we came to meet it. Since a lot of our hairdressing customers are mothers and fathers, charitable activities relating to children has become a focus area for us.

The following are some of the Charitable programs that we currently are involved in:


School Lunch Programs in B.C.

We regularly provide funds to local schools to support their school lunch programs for school children in need. For example, in December 2015, we donated Safeway gift certificates worth over $2000 to Britannia Elementary School on the East side of Vancouver to support families with financial difficulties with meals for their children.

See below for a letter we received from the school

 Britannia Elementary School

FACE Child Sponsorship programme in Africa

Since 2007, West Coast beauty Company has partnered with a local charity: Foundation for African Children Education (FACE). FACE sponsors children from families in need or Orphans to be able to go to Primary School. FACE now sponsors over 400 Children in Africa to go to school. Our company makes financial donations annually to FACE to help them with the work they are doing in Africa.

To read more about FACE see: www.faceforafrica.com

Below the children in a local village in Ghana expresses their appreciation for our support:

wcb face

Project Backpack

This organization assists homeless youth in BC by providing backpacks full of necessities. They also provide education and mentorship to at risk youth in the downtown East side of Vancouver. The campaign not only provides the street youth with much needed hygiene items but it also gives them a sense that someone  in the community cares.

pbp logo

see: projectbackpack.ca


Shine is a volunteer collaboration of Vancouver's finest artistic, creative, diverse and LGBTQ community, who come together to bring awareness to mental health and addiction whilst addressing the stigma of mental illness. Mental health affects us all and in turn should be recognised and supported by all members of our community.

shine logo

wcb logo center


For over 25 years, we've grown to meet your needs. Travelling many miles and evolving around trends and market demands, sourcing only the most exclusive, highest quality products and ethical brands from around the world to enhance your business. 

We have worked hard, as an independently owned and operated company, to build a reputation that is widely respected within the industry. We are lifelong learners who strive to be a diverse, inclusive, socially responsible leader in the industry.  

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